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Re: Barring Bros Was:Re: SLL protocol implementation ?

>A "Valid if countersigned" certificate requirement would introduce the 
>separation of duty principle but would insert a delay, thus limiting the 
>opportunity to make money by predicting share price or exchange rate 

There are other options. The requirement is to be able to trade very fast in a 
no holds barred manner. For this we require contract completion between 
principals on an instantaneous basis.

The first point that springs to mind is that the enforcement policy may be built 
into the traders computer system. The machine has to be keeping track of 
outstanding positions in any case. So if the machine decides that the policy 
limit has been hit it stops signing.

The second point is that we are dealing with high integrity systems here we can 
place a requirement on the other party to make an audit report of the activity 
to some third party which performs the compliance enforcement. This third party 
may be specified in the certificate so it need not be the same for every set of 
traders. We might even have multiple traders.

so we have a certificate:-

If this identification criteria is satisfied:
	> Details of public key, and protocol requirements here <
	The floor limit of $100,000 is not exceeded		[1]
	The credit limit of $1,000,000 is not exceeded		[2]
	The commitment protocol xyz is completed		[3]
	The transaction is reported within 3 hours		[4]
	Barrings Bros will pick up the tab
	Arrest Nick Leason

1) Is enforced by the other party
2) Is enforced by the Barring bros trading terminal
3) Is defined by the stock exchange, ISO or whoever.
4) Here the reporting requirements would be rather more complex since
	it is probabky a good idea to incorporate probabailistic components,
	and provision must be made for trading in a fast market.

Provided we can guarantee the integity of the trading terminal the liability 
with respect to fraud is limited to the floor limits granted. If the operating 
policies of the bank permit a single trader to commit more than the worth of the 
bank in a single day then there is something seriously wrong in any case.

Note that the attributes would have to be much more comprehensive. They should 
permit the types of trade to be specified, selling options is another 

Obviously we cannot solve everybodies problems, that is not our function. We 
should give people the tools to do the job themselves. If the financial world 
does not know how to describe the risk associated with a finacial instrument 
then they probably should not be using them.

It looks as if irregularities may have occured for a period of years. It was the 
failure of the management to spot the fraud that was the problem. The allegation 
made is that phantom client accounts were created and Barring Bros money traded 
through them. 

		Phill H-B	
